Functional streams for Haskell

Posted on April 30, 2020

Popular Haskell streaming libraries such as Conduit and Pipes expose a top-level type that looks something like Stream m a r where m is an effect type, a is the type of the elements in the stream and r is the result type of the stream. In other words, they are functorial in the result of the stream. Scala’s fs2 library takes a different approach whereby it is functorial in the element type of the stream instead - Stream m a and the result type is determined by the way you run the stream, rather than the stream itself (eg toFile :: FilePath -> Stream m String -> IO ()).

The following is an experiment in starting with that idea, picking the first stream representation that came into my head and typing for a couple of hours. I think the result is surprisingly expressive (if very inefficient and entirely exception unsafe)! See the examples at the end for what usage looks like.

example2 in particular illustrates the part of the API which is a bit more painful (AFAIK) in Pipes or Conduit - dynamically generating and concatenating substreams. In my experience, I’ve had to resort to lower level APIs to achieve that in these libraries (although it is entirely possibly that I missed a combinator somewhere - I have limited experience of both). Regardless, I was surprised how much functionality could be implemented in such a short time and amount of code by representing streams as data structures with interpreters.

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Streaming

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Monoid
import System.IO

-- Represents a stream of elements of type a with an effect type f
data Stream (m :: * -> *) a where
  Yield :: m a -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
  Await :: m x -> (x -> Stream m a) -> Stream m a
  Done :: m () -> Stream m a

instance Monad m => Functor (Stream m) where
  fmap = liftM

instance Monad m => Applicative (Stream m) where
  pure = return

  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad m => Monad (Stream m) where
  return a = Yield (return a) (Done (return ()))

  (Yield ma next) >>= f = Await ma ((<> (next >>= f)) . f)
  (Await ma cont) >>= f = Await ma (cont >=> f)
  (Done close) >>= f = Done close

instance Monad m => Semigroup (Stream m a) where
  (Yield ma next) <> s = Yield ma (next <> s)
  (Await mx cont) <> s = Await mx ((<> s) . cont)
  (Done close) <> s = case s of
    (Yield ma next) -> Yield (close >> ma) next
    (Await mx cont) -> Await (close >> mx) cont
    (Done close') -> Done (close >> close')

instance Monad m => Monoid (Stream m a) where
  mempty = Done (return ())
  mappend = (<>)

fromList :: Monad m => [a] -> Stream m a
fromList [] = Done (return ())
fromList (h : t) = Yield (return h) (fromList t)

fromStdIn :: Stream IO String
fromStdIn = Await getLine return

fromFile :: FilePath -> Stream IO String
fromFile file = Await handle cont
    handle = (openFile file ReadMode) >>= handleStatus
    handleStatus h = fmap (h,) (hIsEOF h)
    cont (h, isClosed) = if (isClosed) then Done (hClose h) else Yield (hGetLine h) (Await (handleStatus h) cont)

-- This is very inefficient as it doesn't close streams early
takeS :: Int -> Stream m a -> Stream m a
takeS 0 s = case s of
  (Yield _ next) -> takeS 0 next
  s@(Await mx cont) -> Await mx (takeS 0 . cont)
  (Done close) -> Done close
takeS n s = case s of
  (Yield ma next) -> Yield ma (takeS (n -1) next)
  (Await mx cont) -> Await mx (takeS n . cont)
  (Done close) -> Done close

toFile :: FilePath -> Stream IO String -> IO ()
toFile file stream = withFile file WriteMode $ \h -> drain . mapF (hPutStrLn h) $ stream

toList :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m [a]
toList (Yield ma next) = do
  h <- ma
  t <- toList next
  return (h : t)
toList (Await ma cont) = do
  a <- ma
  toList (cont a)
toList (Done close) = close >> return []

fold :: (Monad m) => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Stream m a -> m b
fold f b (Yield ma next) = do
  b' <- fmap (f b) ma
  fold f (b') next
fold f b (Await ma cont) = do
  a <- ma
  fold f b (cont a)
fold _ b (Done close) = close >> return b

foldMonoid :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => Stream m a -> m a
foldMonoid = fold (<>) mempty

-- Run a stream purely for its effects
drain :: Monad m => Stream m a -> m ()
drain (Yield ma next) = ma >> drain next
drain (Await ma cont) = ma >>= (drain . cont)
drain (Done close) = close

-- Map an effectful computation across a stream
mapF :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Stream m a -> Stream m b
mapF f (Yield ma next) = Yield (ma >>= f) (mapF f next)
mapF f (Await ma cont) = Await ma (mapF f . cont)
mapF f (Done close) = Done close

-- Print each line in /tmp/data in turn
example1 :: IO ()
example1 = drain . mapF putStrLn $ fromFile "/tmp/data"

-- Duplicate every element in the input list -> [1,1,2,2,3,3]
example2 :: [Int]
example2 = runIdentity . toList . (>>= \x -> return x <> return x) $ fromList [1, 2, 3]

-- Concatenate files to list
example3 :: IO [String]
example3 = toList $ (fromFile "/tmp/data") <> (fromFile "/tmp/data2")

-- Sum list
example4 :: Int
example4 = getSum . runIdentity . foldMonoid . fmap Sum $ fromList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

-- Copy file
example5 :: IO ()
example5 = toFile "/tmp/copy" $ fromFile "/tmp/data"

-- Take from list -> [1,2,3]
example6 :: [Int]
example6 = runIdentity . toList . takeS 3 $ fromList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]