
The problem

Reasoning about mutable state in the presence of concurrency is hard and reasoning about the traditional solution (locks/mutexes) is even harder. Consider the problem of transferring balances between bank accounts. The lock-based solution would look something like this:

case class Account(private var balance: Long) {
  def get = this.synchronized {
  def modify(f: Long => Long) = this.synchronized {
    balance = f(balance)

def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Long): Unit = {
  //Acquire an exclusive lock on from
  from.synchronized {
    //Acquire an exclusive lock on to
    to.synchronized {
      from.modify(_ - amount)
      to.modify(_ + amount)

This kind of lock-based atomicity is prone to the following problems:


Not only are locks tricky, manual and error-prone, they also do not compose. Suppose we have the following functions:

def foo: Unit = ???
def bar: Unit = ???

Assume that they each acquire some locks to mutate some state atomically.

Now suppose that we want to perform the composition foo >>> bar atomically. How would we do that?

The steps involved would look something like this: - Read the entire callgraph of foo and bar to determine what locks they acquire - Hope that there is a well-defined ordering on these to avoid dining philosopher-style problems - Hope that the locks are re-entrant (can be acquired multiple times) - Acquire all the locks in the correct order - Perform foo >>> bar - Ensure we release all locks correctly, even in the presence of errors/cancellation - Discover that the business requirements have changed and we now need to execute foo >>> baz atomically instead - Cry

A solution

We need a composable abstraction for expressing the notion of a transaction on mutable memory. As functional programmers, we are extremely familiar with such a concept - monads!

As with most problems in functional programming, the solution is to define a monadic datatype that solves the problem and then find a way to interpret it.

In this case, that means we end up with something like this:

trait STM[F[_]] {
  trait TVar[A] {
    def get: Txn[A]
    def modify(f: A => A): Txn[Unit]
  trait Txn[A] {
    def flatMap[B](f: A => Txn[B]): Txn[B]
  def commit[A](txn: Txn[A]): F[A]

//Atomically transfer the contents of from to to
def example(stm: STM[IO]): IO[Unit] = {
  import stm._
  for {
    from <- stm.commit(TVar.of(100))
    to <- stm.commit(TVar.of(0))
    _ <- stm.commit(
      for {
        curr <- from.get
        _ <- from.set(0)
        _ <- to.set(curr)
      } yield ()
  } yield ()

In other words, we introduce a new type TVar of mutable variables, whose operations (get/set/modify) are suspended in the Txn monad. We can compose these to form larger transactions such as

val transfer: Txn[Unit] = for {
  curr <- from.get
  _ <- from.set(0)
  _ <- to.set(curr)
} yield ()

which can be executed atomically using stm.commit

Why does this solve the problem?

Separating the definition of the transaction from its execution means that we can execute the transaction against a log (similar to a database) and only commit the final states to the TVars if the whole transaction succeeds. It also allows us to transparently handle retries as we do not modify the TVar state until we are sure that the transaction has succeeded.

Note that transactions having the type Txn[A] also prohibits performing IO actions during a transaction. This is important as the transaction may be retried multiple times before it succeeds and hence the evaluation would not be predictable or referentially transparent if it could perform IO.

For a fuller explanation of the above, I would strongly encourage you to read the paper!